A place for me to work stuff out and to post things that interest me.

Most of us can, if we choose,
make this world either a palace or a prison. ~Lord Avebury
I choose a palace.
Do not let your fire go out,
spark by irreplaceable spark,
in the hopeless swamps of the approximate,
the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.
Do not let the hero in your soul perish,
in lonely frustration for the life you deserved,
but have never been able to reach.
Check your road and the nature of your battle.
The world you desired can be won.
It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.
~Ayn Rand
The democratic society's mythology of equality with its
attendant erasure of difference is an impossibility
in an actual, lived sense.
Therefore, according to this view, this
imaginary erasure cannot achieve an
actual democracy, because a sense of
community can only come with the recognition of difference.
~Slavoj Zizek, as paraphrased by Catherine M. Soussloff

A brand new link! Check it out!
I thought the place was very cool. Oh, and all you Alias fans, you can find a very nice wallpaper there--
or rather, here--and a gorgeous Evanescence one, too!
Watcher's Diary
Slayage; The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies
Convert just about anything
Comes in really handy when you want to convert fahrenheit to celcius and vice versa!
Links to 100s of free calculators online
Everything from your due date to how much a house payment would be to a regular calculator
Reference Guide to Chicago Manual of Style
Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Atlas & Almanac
Quotation Search Engine
Complete HTML True Color Chart
Epicurious Recipes
Inn Recipes; Recipes for all Occasions
JobStar-Resumes & Cover Letters Advice
Overstock.com: Up to 80% off most items
Things My Girlfriend & I Have Argued About
(Trust me--you'll be laughing outloud!)

Beyond the Invisible
The tale of the world is like a tree.
Sturdily rooted in the past, the tale's branches spread out through the days that come. The many stories that make up its substance
unfold from bud to leaf to dry memory and back again, event connecting event like the threadwork of a spider's web, so that each creature of the world plays its part, understanding only aspects of the overall narrative, and perceiving, each with its particular talents, only glimpses
of the Great Mystery that underlies it all.
~Charles de Lint, Moonheart
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
'Twas the Wednesday Before Christmas
It's somewhere around 1am and the sky is falling. At least you'd think it was around Lexington. We've been in the midst of a winter storm advisory since last Friday. In tones of grace concern (barely concealing their excitement that someone might freeze or crash their car or something!), the newscasters and weather people have been forecasting rain turning to freezing rain turning to snow as if it were a portent of the end of the world. It's the main story on every local news segment and runs on little alert banners on the bottom of the tv screen. Meanwhile, the stores have been ravaged. People around here always descend on the grocery stores at the slightest hint of snow as if they were predicting a siege and a rain of hellfire. Shelves are cleaned out of bottled water, milk, bread, and anything snow-related (or even cold-related).
Enough about the goofy people that act like it never snows here when it does every year (I swear, you'd think it was a blizzard at the equator for all the carrying on about it!)
It's amazing how things can change in a few days time.
I don't work at Amazon anymore and the job search starts again.
Allen is moving out (he kind of has to). He's supposed to talk to an army recruiter on the Tuesday after Christmas. With the situation we have, though, I don't if Iraq is a much better choice than "homeless". He has two weeks to find a new situation, however, so I hope he's thinking of something. At least the military will feed him and put a roof over his head. (If he can pass the drug test *rolleyes*.)
He pretty much used up all of Jerry's patience with him with the theft. Then he wasn't paying the debt back as he had agreed to do and he wrote on the door to his room (Purposeful destruction of property was to be considered 2 weeks notice--Jerry told him that after Allen tried to beat Daniel's door down with a bed frame when we first moved in). So, out the door he goes, claiming all the way that it isn't fair and he was screwed over because he wrote on the door months ago and hasn't done anything destructive since the theft incident. But he knew what he had to do to pay us back and went back on the agreement not 24 hours later because I don't think he ever really believed that Jerry or I would really kick him out. As for the door, Jerry says if it was there for months, then Allen just got a lot of grace time since he knew the rule about destruction. I can't say I don't agree with him. I feel guilty as hell, but Allen can't continue to treat people however he wants and never expect to have to answer for it. *sigh*
I have to Christmas shop on Christmas Eve. Isn't that one of the outer rings of Hell, right next to "Endlessly-looped-through-various-automated-unhelpful-phone-systems-when-you-really-need-a-human" Hell?
There's so many people I should have called already and haven't. Nikki called and I haven't returned her call yet. Maybe I'm still upset with her, but I should talk to her. I haven't called my grandmother or my inlaws, either. Just answering the phone when it rings is difficult. I think maybe I'm just hibernating again. I've only been out of the house to get the mail and I went to the grocery today. Sounds like hibernation to me. Or depression, but I don't feel depressed. I did spend the last two days finally working on the front room. It's been a minefield of unpacked boxes, books, and deconstructed book shelves since I moved in. Now the book shelves are put together; the books are shelved; pictures are hanging on the walls. I've got three unpacked boxes, still, and some other odds and ends. So I have accomplished something.
Even though I don't feel depressed, however, I think that I need to see about starting therapy again. Not with that iceberg they sent me to last time, though. She was awful! How do you trust your feelings to someone who all but accuses you of being a drug addict even after you've denied taking illegal drugs five times? I do want to talk to someone about Ferg, though. He occupies my thoughts far too often. Not in a "I miss him so much and I'm still in love with him" way. More of a "I'm so angry and everything seems to remind me how furious I am with him and how good it would be to hit him repeatedly with something--like a car" way. I don't want to be angry. I don't want to feel anything about him. I don't want him occupying my thoughts in any way. Besides, anger isn't healthy. I like this new, mostly healthy feeling. It's good not to have high blood pressure and not have migraines all the time. It's good not to have anxiety attacks all the time. So I think that if I can get a decent therapist again, I can work out this rage in me towards him.
I'm reading A Natural History of Love by Diane Ackerman. I highly recommend it and her earlier book, A Natural History of the Senses. She has a wonderful writing style and I love the way that she weaves historical fact, ancedotes, pop culture, and a multitude of other strands of thought and philosophy into an extremely interesting and informative whole.
I'm either sending Christmas cards out on Christmas Eve or right afterwards, so if you want a belated Christmas card, drop me an email with your address.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
9:10 PM
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Holiday Update (sometime before Christmas)
- Do Christmas newsletters truly exist or are they simply an enduring holiday myth, like fruitcake? I've never received one and I've certainly never written/sent one. Perhaps it's a rich WASP thing and I wouldn't understand?
Soooooooo, since I've never received a Christmas newsletter and never written one and, certainly, never sent one, this is NOT a Christmas newsletter. Really!
- There's been an extraordinary amount of changes of the past year. I left Tallahassee. It was past time for a change and since people frown on certain changes, I chose to move back to Lexington. The weather here has been wonderful and I have a fantastic new career!
- Probably the biggest change in my life is a new relationship forged from my oldest friendship. Never before have I been with someone so loving and giving. There may be no such thing as "The One" or there may be many potential "The One" 's. That said, I've never had someone with whom I had such a perfect fit on every level. All those qualities that everyone had expressed irritation (or outright hatred) for, he finds endearing or even loves me for them (as opposed to "in spite of").
- One thing that hasn't changed is the fact that my kids appear determined to drive me crazy.
Allen: Still no GED. Still hasn't paid me back the money he owes me. Possibly just got a job (a second one) with FedEx and he told lthat he has to be at work at 5am. Mind you, no buses run that early. Clearly the expectation is that one of us will drive hime to work 5 days a week. Oh, and he stole almost $300 from Jerry's bank account to pay the phone bill. (He didn't like having it turned off.) Note that we only had $4 to our name when he did this, so the paid it and charged an overdraft fee. For the curious, he found an old checkbook with the carbon paper stubbs and got the routing number and the account number. Jerry was going to press charges, but decided that he didn't want a felony conviction hanging over Allen's head if, in the future, he DOES get his act together. So, instead, he's supposed to be paying us back.
Did I mention I just found a bag of pot in his room?
Daniel: He just turned 15 on the 11th. He seems happy with the presents even though we couldn't get him a lot. I'm awaiting his upcoming report card--he's been warned that anything less than a "C" in anything will result in a life of misery. He should be able to get "C"'s with his eyes closed, so those "F"'s must have been strenuously earned.
Nikki: I love her, but I'm so hurt, angry, and disappointed in her right now! I don't even want to speak to her. Not only has she been thrashing me, verbally, to Ferg and her Dad and not only has she made a fuss about "her" money--I now find out that she's given him (Ferg) my address! I don't know what's going through her head, but I want to shake the sense back into her! She's spending one or two nights a week at his place. They go out to dinner. He gives her money and has promised to buy her a car. (He's pulled out all the stops!) Even with all that, it's not like she didn't witness years of him drunk, mean, yelling and breaking things! How could she possibly fall for this big act he's putting on now? (Up to and including sending Daniel a birthday card with a long sappy letter inside about how much he loved and missed him. Daniel just rolled his eyes, handed me the letter, and said, "When did Ferg start writing comedy?")
- Some thoughts on Amazon.com:
~ There are entirely too many "Dummies". I know this because of all the books for them:
Wine for Dummies: Do "dummies" really need the added benefit of alcohol?
Sex for Dummies: "This is Slot A. This is Tab B. Insert Tab B into Slot A. Congratulations! You're having sex!"
Spanish for Dummies: "Que?"
Italian for Dummies: "Whatsa mattah you?"
~ Then there are the Learn insert language here While You Drive! CDs. I can't help picturing something like:
"Get off the road, asshole!"
"Obtenez outre de la route, abruti!" (French)
"Gehen Sie von der Straße, Arschloch weg!" (German)
"Ottenga fuori della strada, asshole!" (Italian)
~ Everyone is having "Chicken Soup"--teachers, sisters, grandparents, teens. Who knew there was such a market for meaningless platitudes aimed at specific audiences?
~ People order a lot of big, heavy, "coffee table" books at Christmas. My guess is they are the gift of choice for "needs a nice gift but you don't really know a thing about them" people.
~ Gary Larson has a 2-volume, leather-bound set of all of his cartoons, ever. These aren't books, they're construction material! Buy a couple of sets and you have four walls! I like Gary Larson cartoons, but after spending a day lifting those things over and over, I would love to beat him with one!
~ Who the hell is Josh Groban and why does he sell so many albums?
I don't know who he is...
~ I found out today that opening and looking at a book is a firing offense. I'm not making that up.
- I'm craving steak and Chinese food (separately, of course) in an extreme way
- Someone is messing with us. Someone called and sic'ed the city government on us. We have 30 days to replace the storm doors and some other stuff. Worse, the following day, we both got notices on our cars. The gist of those were that you can't have a non-working vehicle on your property in Fayette co. Not only is this ridiculous (they're not on blocks, you know!) but my car works. We have 10 days for that one!
See...I told you this wasn't a Christmas newsletter.
8:11 PM
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Friday, December 17, 2004
November again? Possibly early December...
Dreaming. Such a wealth of meaning in one word. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..." Somehow, I find it unlikely that that singer of this song is actually having nightly visions of some sort of Currier & Ives version of a perfectly pristine, snow-covered Christmas Day. (If I were, I'd consider it a nightmare. Give me a balmy 70-something degrees any day!)
"I dream of becoming a _________". Again, it's a hope for the future, not meant to be taken literally as something the person dreams about while asleep. At least, in most cases.
Then there is the nightly picture show that occupies our brain while we sleep. I know of several people who say they can direct their dreams and shape them how they wish. That is "lucid dreaming". It's also a talent I don't possess unless you count suddenly realizing you're dreaming and waking yourself up. I don't even remember most of my dreams for more than a few minutes after I wake up. All I know is that I'm prone to anxiety-inducing dreams. I awaken, disturbed and shaky, unable to articulate exactly why other than knowing it's somehow related to whatever it was I was dreaming about.
Notable Exceptions
I have two recurring dreams. In one, I'm confronted with a number of desirable items (jewelry, clothing, candy, whatever) and I can only have one. I simply can't decide. I fuss and fuss and change my mind, but I never arrive at a decision. I'm usually topless in that dream for some reason, though I don't appear to be bothered about it, even though I'm in a public place.
In the other, I'm walking down a sidewalk or street and there's someone I don't know coming towards me from the opposite direction. We make eye contact as we pass each other and I instantly know it's a demon (the person is sometimes male, sometimes female). I turn to watch them and they're looking back at me. They always say, "We know who you are and we know where to find you." I always wake up at that point, terrified.
As for the dream that inspired this post, it was very weird. I was pregnant. VERY pregnant. No one could explain how or why, since I knew in the dream that I'd had the partial hysterectomy last year. Every doctor in the dream (they kept bringing in more and more of them) was baffled and wanted to run all kinds of tests on me, even though they could kill the baby. That's when I woke up, extremely anxious--which is strange. The anxiety, that is, since it wasn't really a nightmare and I wasn't afraid in the dream, just confused.
Dreams of your own?
7:49 PM
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Sometime in November?
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the
fear take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal.
But lately I am beginning to find that
I should be the one behind the wheel.
~Incubus, "Drive"
Some days, it's so easy. Easy to wrap myself in his love and strength like a warm blanket. Other days, it's harder. He's so implacable in some ways. I knew he had a stubborn streak. I've known that stubborn, inmoveable side since we were kids. The hard look and harsh tone are new to me, though. It is a side never shown to me before.
Not that I see it very often, of course. But I irritate him and try his patience. I did warn him that I'm easier to love from a distance. Everyone who has ever claimed to love me has left me, physically or emotionally, so I must be extremely difficult to live with on a day-to-day basis. Difficult to the point of "not worth it". So, when that look comes to his face, I get terrified that history is repeating itself. That he's regretting his choices. That he's regretting the offer for me and mine to stay here. That he may love me but living with me and my children is just too much.
It doesn't help that I'm still working from a position of dependence. The dependence makes me terrified. Terrified that I'm putting too much stress on his finances and too much stress on his feelings for me. That they both will break under my weight. Then there's the fact that I've spent years dealing with the fear of saying too much or saying the wrong thing. The "Oh God, I'm going to get in trouble!" feeling hit me so hard this morning that I didn't immediately own up to an implied question that he asked this morning. I didn't lie--I didn't answer it. That hard look and sharp tone came back into his face when he asked me why I didn't speak up and, instantly, that "I'm in trouble!" feeling and the accompanying panic redoubled. He left for work--he had to--but I just stood there, in the doorway, with my head hung low, feeling about an inch tall.
But how do you explain that you're a grown adult who can be overwhelmed with the fear of "getting in trouble", as if you were still a child? How do you admit that you were scared of looking stupid for doing what you thought was the right thing at the time after you just argued that you weren't stupid about that particular thing? As ridiculous as it sounds, that's why I didn't immediately say, "Yes, that was me." I wanted to explore the other possible causes first before I had to admit, "Yes, I was stupid again." However, once all other choices were eliminated, threre was only one left--I'm a dumbass.
Fear is a terrible thing. It colors so many aspects. Repaints the internal landscape. I'm so damned afraid of so much. Afraid of rejection. Afraid of being inherently unloveable. Afraid of looking stupid. Afraid of failure. Afraid of confrontation. Afraid of being "in trouble". Afraid of fucking everything up. Afraid of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and driving him away. Yet, once again, I'm fucking everything up. It sucks because I love him so damned much on so many levels.
I hope I get a job today.
I hope he's not too angry with me.
On another note, I've been having what feels like hot flashes. Early menopause?
Update on this post: It was written after we'd had a fight, obviously. We talked everything out when he got home that evening--actually talked, as opposed to him lecturing me and making me feel like crap. It helps the fear a lot, knowing that he's going to act like a rational person and listen to me and vice versa. I still get scared if I think he's mad, but it's an old reflex response. I trust him enough to push past that reflex and talk to him because I always want us to be able to talk things out.
I'm considerably less fearful, in general. I'm not afraid that he's going to reject me or stop loving me just because we have a disagreement. (Yes, I know that sounds ridiculous, but who ever said fear was rational?)
As for the hot flashes, according to the doc, my hormone levels are normal, so who knows what they are. *shrug*
7:11 PM
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Wednesday, December 08, 2004
A Quickie
I don't have a lot of time at the moment (and I just scanned through over 300 pieces of email, deleting out the spam. Only 1 email actually belonged to me.). But anyway, enough foreplay:
- Mandatory overtime = 57 hours, total, a week = a very sore, tired woman feeling her age. Everyone that said it would get easier after a couple of weeks (and lots of people told me that) were WRONG! However, the money is nice even if I don't get any time to look at the stuff I think is interesting because I have to fulfill my hourly quota. From the sound of things, though, I probably won't have a job after Christmas. Frankly, I don't know that I could keep up with this anywhere near longterm anyway.
- I've been sick for the past couple of days. I think I said one too many times that I don't catch the flu/colds/etc. Speaking of which, if anyone should happen to find a lung laying about....
- Nik isn't coming to visit. It became very obvious that she really didn't want to be here. Other stuff has happened, as well, and she's spent the better part of a couple of months not speaking to me. (Gee, just because I got pissed about her running to Ferg and sic'ing him on me because she couldn't appreciate that I didn't have $200 to send her when her car broke down--after telling him things about me and my life that were untrue, unnecessary, and/or both??) I just found out last night that she apparently has been sobbing to her dad that I haven't been supporting her and have just "abandoned" her (interesting spin to put on "let her stay after she insisted she didn't want to leave" and "completely broke, but finding a way to send her money anyway"). He sent me half the child support and a note explaining that he'd be sending "her share" directly to her from now on. When I confronted her with that and the fact that she'd already received the money and let me borrow money from my grandmother to send her the same amount and wasn't going to say anything about it at all, she got huffy and got off the phone. Guess it's another month of silence.
- Hmmmmmm....other than such stuff, life is GOOD. Very very good.
Okay, I need to work on my "quickies". This one took far longer than it was supposed to. *grin*
4:59 PM
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Thursday, November 04, 2004
I got a job! It's not a great job, but the pay is decent, as are the hours. I'll be working in the amazon.com warehouse, Mon-Thurs, 7am-5:30 with mandatory overtime. (It pays $9.25/hour to start, though, so that isn't too bad--overtime will be $13.80/hour). So, it looks I will have money for the holidays and to pay for Nik's plane ticket so I can see her over Christmas break! *dancing*
Unfortunately, their policy is NO time off during November and December--if the holiday falls during your work schedule, you have to work it. That means Thanksgiving will probably be a day late. Still, I have a job! YAY!
1:36 PM
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Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Do What's Right and What's Important
If you are 18 or older and an American citizen, today is a momentous day. It's the day when your voice can be heard if you choose. It is the day that your opinion is officially counted.
Republican or Democrat (though I think I know how most of you lean, if nothing else), please, do what's right. It's an honor and priviledge to participate in the process of casting your ballot today. I plead with all of you, regardless of your politics to participate. Show them that we have a voice and want to be heard.
Don't be discouraged by early numbers and talking heads telling you that it's all wrapped up for one side or the other. If this country could pull off even an 80% turnout, imagine what we could do! Imagine the reaction if all of us who aren't normally considered important, politically, suddenly stood up and demanded to be counted. The youth of our country. The minorities. The poor. By making our voices heard, it forces the politicians to have to take us seriously and at least consider our wants and needs.
So, rain or shine, hot or cold, or even "I just want to sleep in!"--push all of that aside and get out there! This past election, regardless of whatever backroom jockeying may or may not have taken place, was settled by a mere handful of votes! It's in our power to make that difference and I hope you all will participate today.
1:34 PM
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It's hit...
No response from the job interview that I thought went so well.
No money to fix my brakes, his car, or turn on the phone.
Gained 20 pounds for no discernible reason in the past few moments...well, I'm not throwing up all the time, so maybe that's it, but still. FAT FAT FAT
No extra money for the holidays or Daniel's upcoming birthday.
No money to buy Nik a plane ticket (I can't even afford to send her the $200/month I'm supposed to be sending her, let alone a plane ticket), so I'm not going to get to spend time with/see her and it breaks my heart.
No one particularly eager to hire me.
I'm so depressed right now. (Thank god that Jerry is willing to put up with my weepy whineyness at the moment, even if he's a bit concerned about me because of it...)
I really thought I did well at the interview...
1:18 PM
(0) comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Rumors of my death have been greatly exagerated....
(I was actually only kidnapped by aliens)
Okay, so who wants the scoop on Elvis and what actually goes on when those goofy-looking guys with the big eyes snatch you up???
Alright, I admit it. I wasn't really taken by aliens. I'm just kind of lazy about leaving the house to go to the library since the weather hasn't been all that fun. Rain rain rain! Grey skies and rain, in fact, and I'm just not a "rain" person. Long walks in the rain, singing in the rain, making love in the rain?? No thanks. I'll take mine with nice warm heat and some comfort. It's not romantic. It doesn't make me want to cuddle. It just makes me cold, wet, and uncomfortable. It also gets on my glasses. And I hate wet shoes. And wet clothes. And being wet, in general, unless I decided to get wet in, say, a nice hot shower (or other, even more interesting ways, but I digress...). So now that I've bored you senseless with my diatribe about rain, you'll actually think this rest of this is interesting! (At least that's my nefarious plan. Barring that, you'll forget that I haven't updated in forever and will actually be interested in what I might say. There's always hope!)
On the job front
I have an interview this coming Saturday (October 30) for a job with a shipping company. I'm kind of feeling good about this one. The owner and I had a wonderful conversation on the phone and she's coming down from the home office in Owensboro to meet with me personally (the job's in Georgetown, just outside of Lexington). I don't want to get too excited, for fear of jinxing it or having my expectations dashed, but I'm excited that I finally got another phone call.
On the home front
Daniel narrowly avoided death when I received in the mail another report card with F's on it. There was also a D, an A, and an incomplete (the latter for some variety, I guess). He's currently banned from all role-playing games, something that he was really getting into. I feel horribly guilty about that, but I did tell him that I wouldn't accept less than a C in any class and given that he tests out at genius-level on IQ tests and off the charts on standardized testing, I don't think that's asking all that much.
Allen just returned from a week with the "fiance"/girlfriend in Illinois. He hasn't said much about it, except that he was ready to come home by the end of the 10 days. In the meantime, I don't see him making any notable (or even any negligible) effort to complete the GED testing that he started so well at. It's a matter of transportation--he told me how he's not going to ride the bus or catch a ride with Jerry in the morning because he's not "waiting around for 2 hours for them to open". First of all, exageration--an hour, maybe, not two. Second of all, as I told him, I guess he doesn't want it that much. I hate to tell him this, but he only has a few short months to get his act together and figure out where he's going to live and how because his time of sponging off of me is rapidly running out. Especially since I caught him (after the fact) spending $40 or so on grass to get high and then had the nerve to turn around and ask me for money for cigarettes. NOPE. You got the money to get high, you got the money to provide for your own other bad habits.
Me....hmmmmmmm....I've been freaking out over the past couple of days. Anxiety has hit me hard and I've been about an inch and a half from a panic attack for 2 days. I need to find $80 to send to Nikki (which is not much, compared to the $200/month I promised her when I left). I need to find the money to get the phone turned back on. (They just shut it off Sunday or Monday.) Jerry told me to take the money (for Nik) from the account, but considering that he gave me the $200 for her last month and he doesn't have a windshield (still) because of it, NO. I have my child support check and I'll send her the money from that, but we need the rest to live on if we expect to eat and have gas, so I can't pay the phone bill. To add to the problems, there's my brakes going out on my car. Not just brake shoes, either. Possibly the master cylinder. Poor Jerry is trying to support all these extra people on his salary... the heat isn't working for some reason in the back half of the house and he can't afford to have anyone look at it and as I mentioned, he hasn't been able to get his windshield fixed and I can't help thinking that if it wasn't for me and mine being such a drain on his finances, he wouldn't have to worry about this because he'd have the money. ARRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I don't have anything to sell, except possibly a kidney. Anyone need a kidney??
Speaking of panic attacks
I've had two appointments with the shrink here at the Lexington VA.
I don't feel comfortable with this woman at all. I start talking to her and she interupts me to ask a question that has nothing to do with what I'm saying. Our first meeting, she asked me 5 times in 5 different ways if I took drugs of any kind, other than what was prescribed. Apparently, "No", isn't good enough. By god, if you have a crappy childhood, a chaotic adulthood, and are chronically depressed, you must be an alcoholic drug-addict!!! Just ask a few more times and the truth will out! Stupid woman *grrrrrrrr*
Her accent is so thick, too, I can barely understand half of what she's saying and she doesn't seem to understand me. Maybe if English isn't your first language, you should master it before attempting to deal with people in a career involving TALKING. Of course, maybe you should also at least attempt to master looking like you give a damn, too, but I'll take the "understanding the language" part, first. If this next session is as frustrating as the last two (the second of which wasn't even really a session--it was to get my prescription refilled), I'm asking them to switch me to someone else.
I will be sooooooo happy when election day gets here! First and foremost (and apologies to any conservative friends in advance), I'm hoping that Bush will get booted from office, obviously. To be perfectly honest, however, I'm most looking forward to the end of the political commercials on tv. They are the most sickening displays of mudslinging and outright lies I've ever seen, and that's saying something.
I'm not talking about the presidential ads, though they're bad enough. Around here, there's a senator, Bunning (R-incumbent), who is running the most dispicable ads I've ever seen. He's actually accused his opponent of being "for the terrorists"! And, in a debate, he said that the guy looked like one of Hussein's sons! Yes, he is apparently going for the racist bigot vote. The truly scary thing is that, according to polls, he's got 57% of the vote in Kentucky. How anyone can look at those ads and think "yep, I wanna vote for him!" is completely beyond me! Then there is the Republican party ads against Nick Clooney. (So bad that no candidate will actually put his name on them!) They're actually calling him "Looney" Clooney. Isn't it nice that they let people with a kindergarten mentality devise ad campaigns?
I'm so sick of the "You suck!" "No, YOU suck!" behavior that I could scream. I have been muting every single ad (even the ones that I somewhat agree with) over the past few days.
But enough griping....
First, I'm fairly certain I missed it already (and I still need to mail out the gift) but CONGRATULATIONS ANNIKA AND WILL!!! I want to see pictures of the nupitals as soon as possible! Any birthdays I might of missed, I'm very sorry, and Happy Birthday! Finally, Jess, your telephone number has disappeared from my phone list. Apparently, since you have the same name as Allen's girlfriend, he felt it was more important to list her number under that name instead of giving it a different one and deleted your number. (Allen very much needs to get his own damned phone).
1:36 PM
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Thursday, October 07, 2004
At least they sent a nice letter
Rejected from what was, thus far, my only interview.
Midnight shift, convenience store, here I come...
1:16 PM
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I wonder if they'll consider Prozac in my blood a selling point or a deterent???
Still no job yet, but I did get an interview this past Tuesday! It seems to have gone well, but who knows with these things. I've walked out of interviews thinking that I had a job locked up and then never heard from anyone again, so I'm not going to worry about it. If they call, they call.
The interview was for a part-time position at the Humane Society, doing data entry. It's okay money, decent hours, and seems like an interesting job with a pretty flexible boss. I certainly wouldn't mind hearing from them. However, to hedge my bets, I put in a couple of applications on the way home.
Meanwhile, a friend of ours works as a paramedic at the health clinic at the Toyota compound in Georgetown (just outside of Lexington). She says they're hiring a lot of people right now in admin and one person she recommended already got a job. She's taking my resume and reference sheet to them today and seems fairly positive she can get me on there. Now that would be a good job--a very nice salary, close to what I was making in Tallahassee but with full benefits. If it does come through, though, I'm not expecting to hear anything until mid-October or so and we need money NOW. In fact, we so desperately need money that I'm seriously considering selling plasma at this one place. Thing is, I don't know if they'll take my blood because of the medications I'm on. (Personally, I think some nice, soothing prozac and anti-anxiety medication would be just the ticket for someone in need of plasma, but I get the feeling they might not see it the same way...) I need to call them, I think, since it's $50 for the initial visit. My wedding ring is only worth $40 to the local pawn shops, which sucks, since I know they'll sell it for way more than that. If I had time, I'd just put it on Ebay. It is handmade, 16k white gold, with celtic knotwork hand-engraved all the way around. It's got to be worth more than $40 to somebody!
You know....I do have this extra kidney I'm not using.....
In other news, Allen has received permission from the school board to take the GED free of charge. He picked up his paperwork today. Now he just has to arrange to take the pre-test and then they'll set a date for him to take the actual GED exam. He started working last night and has already made some friends at work. He hung out with them afterwards and is in a great mood today. That's really awesome to see.
Nikki hasn't been washed away yet, though with 4 hurricanes hitting already and another one possibly on the way, it's really starting to concern me. That's more than the entire 4 years that I lived there! She says a few trees have gone down in the neighborhood, which is what I'm more concerned with than flooding. It doesn't really flood much in that particular part of town at all--but it is more or less a giant forest with trees looming all about. She says she's fine, though--just incredibly busy. She took a pretty hard load this year and I guess with work, she's having a little trouble juggling her time. (She was planning on taking some homework to work with her last night so that she could do it in her downtime, if she had any.) I told her that I don't want her stressing herself out--if it gets to be too much, she needs to cut her hours back at work. She says she's fine. However, I might call the woman she's staying with and get her opinion (when Nik isn't there, of course!).
Firefly was an awesome show that should never have been taken off the air and I can't wait until it comes out as a movie.
Sorry--that didn't have much to do with anything other than we finished up watching the entire one and only season of the show and I'm extremely irked that the network never gave it any real chance to get an audience. The writing is amazing, as is the interaction between the cast/characters.
Until the next time that I run off to the library!
2:31 PM
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
And in other news
- Still no job yet.
- Still hoping something will pan out or I'll be hitting the convenience stores and grocery stores sometime around the 1st, since money is kind of important.
- Birthday lunch for a friend tomorrow. Yay! Birthday lunch at an Indian food place--the only ethnic food I don't like. Not so yay. Anyone have any suggestions on something that's not filled with caradom (however you spell that) since I think that's what I don't like.
- Allen made actual steps to take his GED (he's just waiting for a test date now) and got a job (starts on Tuesday)!
- Nikki started her externship (that's what they call it, I swear) at the hospital ER last week. She's loving the experience. Aside from that, she's doing very well in school. Also, she and a bunch of female friends decided to heck with finding a date for Homecoming this year. They are exchanging dresses amongst themselves (so no one is wearing something they've worn before) and going together without dates. She sounds very excited about it--more so than when she's had a date for the dance in the past.
- Daniel seems to be doing well in school (we'll see when the midterms come out). More importantly, he's getting along wonderfully with Jerry and with Jerry's boys, especially Corwin. They've gotten him into gaming and he's pretty much obsessed with creating new characters. He's also playing chess every day and even taught Allen how to play.
- Damn, I'm happy. *contented sigh* Not exactly sure why or how Jerry puts up with me and mine, but I'm very happy that he does, since I love him to death.
Having just checked out the board to see what I've missed, I'm now sad. It doesn't seem to matter to most anyone that I'm not around anymore. Oh well. A few people actually remember me, but that's it. I appreciate you guys that do, though. *hugs*
10:52 AM
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And the stalker speaks!
To: tkferguson@excite.com
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 12:52:43 +0000
Subject: Re: To Clarify
(First, let's open with a little attempted emotional manipulation!)
I'll keep this brief and to the point. I know that what happened has been something you have wanted for years and so it did not surprise me overly. I will and have abided by your wishes until you were not checking in with my father, and I needed to call. I respectfully request that you abide by mine.
1) Do not go through my family. My dad does not know why you are using him, and I request that you don't. I know you wish I never existed and want it to be that way....then leave my family out of it.
(Note: Whenever Ferg calls, his dad tells him that he hasn't talked to me so that Ferg doesn't ask him any questions about me that he doesn't want to answer. Also note that I called after reading this and offered to not bother them anymore if they were uncomfortable with contact with me and they insisted that I keep in touch and keep them informed on how me and the kids are doing. Oh, and don't you love that little bit about "wishing he never existed"???)
2) Same goes for my friends. There is no reason for you to use channels that are not your own. If you think for some wild reason that you don't want me to get your address or something, because I want to go and track you down to talk you out of anything you're wrong.....but if you need to go through someone for your own sanity, use your family or friends.
3)Only use my __________ account if you wish to reach me. I doubt the other will be on much longer as I doubt that you paid them or turned in there (sic) gear.
(Don't forget a big closer! Really go for the pity party/emotional manipulation!!!)
You have had feelings of anger and hatred for me for years, and I wish that I had never done anything to harbor those. Obviously, I have done more then that. I would never have thought that you would enjoy stomping over someone injured, yet it seems that even me gettting run over in a crosswalk by an SUV wasn't enough for you to take a swing at. I'm just sorry that when it destroyed my knee, you were looking for something more. It does you an injustice and you have always been better then that. If you really wish to see me harmed, please let those feelings go.
I hope the rest of your life goes better then the last ten years have gone for you. Know that I wish only the best for you, and hope you find what you are looking for.
(Awwwwwww! And I really believe that, too. Why I can just feel the love wrapping me in a big fuzzy blanket all the way through the screen!)
My Reply:
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 16:49:54 -0400
From: Tina Ferguson
[ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ]
To: <___________________>
Cc: <___________________>
Subject: Re: To Clarify
then leave my family out of it.
Your family has always said that if anything happened between you and me, that they didn't want to lose contact with me. If nothing else, I figured they'd have your address and/or phone number. If they tell me that they don't want to talk to me, that's fine, but I think it's up to them to decide. Considering you still talk to my daughter on a regular basis and even expect to have dinner with her, I don't see what your problem is. (I won't even bother to address the other stuff proceeding that because I tried to make things work for years and if you choose not to see that, whatever. Everything is always someone else's fault and you're always the victim, I know. I told you once if you didn't want me to leave, you needed to stop drinking and go to counseling with me. You made your choice when you refused to do either and it's all water under the bridge now.)
Same goes for my friends.
Other than contacting Suj and Paul before I left to try to find someone that could hold onto some of your stuff for you and make sure that your electronics weren't in an uncontrolled environment, I haven't contacted any of them. So where that comes from, I don't know, unless you didn't want me to make the effort to make sure that your stuff was stored (paid for 2 months worth when I couldn't afford it) and that the most precious stuff to you (your computer, for instance) was safe. I haven't contacted either of them since then. I guess me making the effort to make sure your stuff was safe as possible doesn't play into the view of the hate-filled woman that's just out to get you. Sorry about that.
I doubt the other will be on much longer as I doubt that you paid them or turned in there (sic) gear.
Paid them with what? You cleaned out the bank account in less than 2 weeks and threw it into over $500 worth of overdraft! Almost $400 of that was to bars and liquor stores in less than a month! You borrowed money that Nik desperately needed without telling me until afterwards. You borrowed money from your family. You went through all of that in a matter of days. I had no money to pay anyone anything and if it were up to you, I'd be living under an overpass right now. So I'm sorry if you're inconvenienced by the fact that I didn't pay the bills but I couldn't get in contact with the magic money fairies and no one was willing to take pocket lint in exchange. (And before you even mention the $400, which was the only money you sent in the time you were gone, that went to Nikki, where it belonged. Believe me, I have no doubt who is going to be stuck with paying the entire amount due Mr. Cheng, who was as kind and patient as anyone could ask considering his own circumstances and doesn't deserve to be screwed over--and it's not you.)
Only use my _________@excite account if you wish to reach me.
Obviously, I have done more then that. I would never have thought that you would enjoy stomping over someone injured, yet it seems that even me gettting run over in a crosswalk by an SUV wasn't enough for you to take a swing at. I'm just sorry that when it destroyed my knee, you were looking for something more.
Get over yourself. I'm sorry you were hurt and expressed shock to Nikki when she told me about it. If it really did destroy any part of you, I'm very sorry to hear that and I hope you recover quickly. It didn't change the fact that I knew you weren't going to honor your promise to her and I've known it from the very first time she mentioned it. She was so sure you'd keep it to her, though. Don't worry--I got her money and I'm sending it to her. And don't worry in the future about making her anymore promises of how you're going to pay for this and that for her. We both know you might mean it at the time but you'll never keep it. Something much more important--a computer game you have to own or pay-per-view fight you have to see--will come up and you'll have to "see if you can pay her in a couple of weeks".
I've discovered that I can't file for a divorce until I've lived here for 180 days. If you want to do it sooner, that's fine. If you want me to bear the brunt of the costs, expect something in the mail in about 4.5 months. If you don't want me to go through your parents or your friends to get it to you (since I don't know where you'll be), leave an address with Nikki.
Now, if we're done sniping at each other, perhaps we can just ignore each other until that time comes. (Don't worry, I'm not asking for anything from you--even for you to actually pay your fair share of the debts. Which pretty much leaves me stuck with what you did to my bank account and the money we owe to Mr. Cheng.)
I hope your knee heals soon and that any other injuries you sustained will too. Take care.
I wonder what he thinks, hearing stuff I think and never say for fear of how he'll react. I also wonder if he realizes just how much he doesn't want to get into a war of words with me, since up until now, I've been playing pretty nice. Hopefully, he'll get the message and just leave me alone!
10:15 AM
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Apparently, he can't take a clue when it hits him in the face
Somehow, Ferg found out my new phone number. I had changed it in part because I needed a local number and in a big part because he was calling 10-15 times a day. The only people that have it say they didn't tell him. Whatever. However he got it, he left me a drunken message that I found the other morning. It was pretty nasty, but the gist of it was that he wasn't going to send Nik the $200 he promised her because he's not paying my daughter's "damn child support" so I better find someone else willing to do it or come up with the money myself.
After some internal debate over whether or not to reply (and how), I left a message on his machine when I knew he'd be at work...
Just got your message and wanted to give you a response. Not to upset your carefully revised history or anything, but you're the one that told Nik that you thought I was doing badly financially and that you wanted to "help me out" but I wouldn't take your calls. I told Nik that I didn't want a dime of your money, but if you were that anxious to send money, it would help me out if he sent $200 to Nik since I don't have a job yet. Then I told her not to hold her breath because you haven't kept a promise in 10 years. Well, you've kept them to your friends, but apparently, your wife and kids don't fall into that category. So the first of September rolls around and I asked Nik if you'd sent her anything. Of course you hadn't because of some accident you had, but you'd send it on the 15th. I told her that I highly doubted she see a bit of money from you and to call me on the 16th or 17th and let me know if you'd actually followed through on something. I also told her that I'd figure out some way to get $200 to send her if you acted like I figured you would--and you certainly have, haven't you?
Finally, let's get something straight. I realize you're having a wonderful time telling all your drinking buddies that I'm a golddigging bitch that stole your money and lied to you and now I'm trying to soak you for more. Unfortunately, I don't want your money; I don't need your money; and even if you promised to send me some, I wouldn't believe a word of it anyway. I may not have a job yet, but I'd rather live in the streets than accept a single dollar from you.
Oh, and I don't know how you got my new number, but don't call it anymore. I DON'T want to talk to you.
Believe it or not, I said that in a fairly even (if angry-sounding) tone of voice. I didn't curse or scream. I just finally told him one of the hard truths about what I think of him. He hasn't called back.
On a nicer note, I might finally have a line on a job! Woohoo!
2:59 PM
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Having finally gotten ahold of a computer...
- Still no job. Beginning to feel like What's-His-Name in the Secret Diaries of LOTR--"Still not king." Then again, I'm neither beating on ogres nor secretly lusting after hobbits (Sam would kill me), so maybe I'm not too much like him.
- Allen had a good weekend from the looks of his neck. Either that or he was attacked with a vacuum cleaner and lost. Considering how late the girl calls and/or stays on the phone, I guess I should have considered that she might be a vampire.
- Got registered at the VA today--now I just have to wait forever for an appointment and hope the meds don't run out before then. I was told, though, that if I do completely run out of meds before then, I can come and sit and wait to be seen by "Urgent" Care (read: "We'll get to you sometime today, hopefully" Care).
- Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Kill Bill Vol. 2 movie matinee went off fairly well. Most of the people invited arrived, if not exactly on time. However, I've been told that my movie education is sadly neglected because I've never seen The Magnificent Seven or the movie that inspired it, The Seven Samurai. There's some other movie that's based on the Samurai one, too, so I think that's our next movie matinee.
- I miss everyone! Call me or SOMETHING! (Yes, the number has changed, but the email hasn't and I'd be happy to send you my new number!)
2:23 PM
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Monday, September 06, 2004
Quite possibly the most boring update EVER
Hmmmmmmmmm....I haven't updated recently because 1) I don't have internet at home yet; and 2) I haven't had much new to post.
- No job yet, but I have new things circled in the classifieds, so hopefully that will change. There is also a job fair on the 13th. The temp agency hasn't called even once--I'm not impressed.
- My birthday is going to be on Friday, September 10th. There should be enough candles on the cake to alert the fire department if we're not careful.
So far, my plans are all day at home with Jerry (he's taking the day off and Allen and Daniel will be in Illinois and school, respectively) *grin*
- Allen is going to Illinois to visit his gf and his other friends next weekend. I love him, but I can't say that I'm not looking forward to a bit of a break. He's mentioned possibly renting a room from his gf's dad and working for his plumbing company. But then, his plans for the future change daily, so who knows?
- Nikki informed me last night that she plans to only spend part of winter break with me and part with her dad. I told her the tickets for different departure cities will be expensive and I don't know how I can manage that. Her response? "Well, you and Dad need to talk about it and arrange things soon, since it gets more expensive the closer you get and I'M not paying for it." In other words, I come up with a buttload of money or I don't get to see her.
This isn't in the vein of her occasional bouts of self-absorbtion. She's been very distant and cold on the phone lately and always sounds very pissed off at me. However, when I ask her what's wrong, she just says, "Nothing!"
- Speaking of my daughter, she's not getting too clobbered by Hurricane Frances, though I got snipped at yesterday (Sunday) for "not calling and asking if she were okay--after all her dad and Ferg did". I told her that I had been out most of the day and the last I'd heard prior to that was that it wasn't even going to hit Tallahassee. Aside from that, I'd planned to call her today and ask how she was doing, she just beat me to it by calling yesterday. I don't know. Maybe she feels I'm neglecting her or don't care or something.
- Other than that sort of thing, I'm extremely, sickeningly happy, in case anyone was concerned about my absence. I've just been a bit...busy *wicked grin*
1:27 PM
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I'm slipping into early senility. I should have heeded the warning signs, but I thought it was just a quirk of my personality that I can never find my car in the parking lot. I've spent years justifying not knowing whether the person I'm looking at looks familiar because I've met them before or they look like someone I've met before or I've just seen them around a lot (perhaps in the parking lots where I'm looking for my car). I have to acknowledge, finally, that this all isn't just a personality quirk. I'm losing my memory in chunks. Usually the important chunks. For instance, I just tried four different passwords to access the WD to no avail. Two of these are passwords that I use for just about everything and the other two are new arrivals in my reportoire that I began using to foil the kids. So here I sit, waiting to find out what my password is and hoping it arrives in my mailbox before my remaining 41 minutes is up (I'm on the computer at the library).
In other news, my spelling sucks because I don't have my handy dictionary handy. It is not a symptom of my impending senility, just an indication that I can't spell worth a damn.
More importantly, I go to Manpower tomorrow to do some tests for them and hopefully get a job. I am also attending a job fair on Friday. (I'd lost the disc that had my resume on it--fortunately I stumbled across it in my computer!)
Speaking of my complete lack of memory these days, I thought for sure that I'd put my silk paintings in the moving van and I've been looking around, assuming that they were buried under something or misplaced. I just heard from Nikki last night that I left them behind at the house and she thought that meant I didn't want them anymore. They're now lost forever--the landlord has cleared everything that was left behind out, of course. So there goes the last of my tangible art work and the last of the silk paintings that I'll probably ever do, given the amount of space needed and the expense of creating them. I'm really very upset about this. I just about cried.
Oh well. *sigh*
3:03 PM
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Loose Ends
I spoke to my father-in-law, Bill, yesterday. I'd been pretty concerned about him and Donna since they were right in the path of Hurricane Charley. Apparently, even though they are almost at the center of the state, the hurricane was still at Force 3 when it hit (first time a hurricane has hit there since the 1920's). I hadn't been able to get in touch with them for a week, which made me more concerned.
Things Learned Thus Far
- Donna is down in Fort Lauderdale with Tammy (Ferg's sister) and is fine.
- Bill is back out on the road again already, since he can't afford to let a hurricane cause him to lose a week's pay.
- No one has been home to receive the package I sent them with the letter to them and the letter/packet to Ferg. He's promised to send it out as soon as possible, though, and without giving Ferg my address. (He even offered to drop it from some other state somewhere when he was on the road again.)
- He says they both understand why I left and that he thinks I did the right thing. He also said they still love me and I'll always be family. I really love those guys.
As I mentioned before, I've been avoiding Ferg's emails, so he snuck one in on me by sending me a PM on BuffyGuide. That would mean he's lurking there. Oh well...I haven't posted there since the 6th and I haven't read anything since I left because my computer time is limited and there's so much new stuff that catching up would be nearly impossible. Anyway, he sent me a PM because he wanted to tell me that he's "willing" to give me my freedom, but we "needed to talk" to "settle" things. He even promised no confrontations. No thank you. I emailed him and told him the bare bones of what I'd written in his letter and told him I'd either initiate divorce procedures when I could afford it or he could. I also asked him to contact me via his parents. (In other words, I wish he'd quit calling my phone and Nikki's phone. Neither of us wish to talk to him. I wonder if there's some way to block the number via Sprint on a cell phone.)
Anyway, he registered as ACU2769. He probably won't post, since his only purpose appears to have been to contact me in a way that I wasn't expecting and less likely to delete. He's been bozo'd and I've blocked him from my email addresses.
3:21 PM
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
EDIT: And in the bizarre world of blogger and computers, in general, my huge opus that I typed and lost before has reappeared!
Yet Another Update (with some repeated parts because I didn't know that the missing post was suddenly going to reappear from wherever it was when it disappeared and I don't feel like editing my entire new update)
We're here. There are still boxes everywhere, though I'm gradually working on that. I don't have a job yet, the phone is still off, and I don't have internet access at the house. Other than the "not having a job yet" part, which is bad because I never wanted him to have to support me and mine financially, I haven't really minded the isolation. I think I've been hiding in my "den", though, and it's time to come out. Hopefully, the phone will be back on by the end of the week and I can start seriously job hunting.
As Jerry mentioned in the replies to my last post, I had this very long update that I spent an extremely long time on and it vanished into the cosmos. *GROWL!!!* It mostly discussed that I feel extremely guilty that I haven't had the money I'd hoped to have and he's had to put out for expenditures that he shouldn't have to put out for, especially when money is so closely budgeted for him anyway. I also discussed certain issues with Allen, including his complete unwillingness to get out of his own way and do SOMETHING--get that GED business taken care of; get a job; go to Lexington Community College; anything. He seems to be under the impression that he can hang out, eat everything in sight, complain constantly about being bored and hating it here, and holding his hand out for cigarettes and money. He's about to get a rude awakening. I think I'm going to have to give him a time limit and say, "This is it--this is how much time you have to get your act together." Jerry agrees that might be the only way to motivate him.
In the meantime, adjustments are being made on both sides (which of course, makes me feel guilty because I'm just neurotic that way--the fact that he has to deal with Allen or give me money or that the house is still a wreck or that I'm having an anxiety attack...he says it's okay, but...*sigh*...I don't know...). On the plus side, his youngest and mine get along really great together--I had a feeling that they probably would. And his friends have been very welcoming. I'm still a little shy about putting my stuff out or on the walls, but that's just my insecurity.
Ferg hasn't contacted me directly, but he's sent me 3 emails that I've deleted without reading. Harsh, but I don't want to deal with him. I sent him a letter detailing what happened, why, where he can find his stuff, etc. I also told him that I didn't want to "think about it, mull things over, or try again after some time". Instead, I'd appreciate it if he made no further contact with me (and there really isn't any reason). I sent the letter via his parents--right before Hurricane Charley, so I don't know if they've even received it. I hope so. The were in the path of the storm, but far enough from the coast that hopefully they just got a bad thunderstorm.
Anyway, off to unpack more things, hopefully. I think I have to drop stuff off Goodwill. I want to have all of my clothes put away and maybe even find room for the kitchen stuff.
OH! Stuff I'd almost forgotten!
- My car was vandalized three nights in a row by some unknown person. The first night, they spit tobacco all over it. The next two nights, they keyed it. So far it's been left alone for the past two nights, but I don't know what the hell was going on. I haven't been here long enough to piss anyone off and he doesn't have any broken-hearted, disappointed women in the shadows.
- Allen declared that Jerry and I "look good together" and that he likes how he treats me and Daniel. Considering the boy has been pretty much mad at the world since he's been here, I was taken aback. Then he told me that if I "fuck this up, he's going to be very pissed at me because Jerry seems like a really great guy". I guess I've been warned.
- I may have to pull a "warrior MOM" moment. I signed Daniel up for "free lunch" for now and asked on Friday, before school started, if they'd please inform the cafeteria so that he could eat. She swore that she would. They've denied him lunch for the past two days. If he comes home without eating today, I'm going up there and drop-kicking some people.
- I'm sure there's more stuff, but I can't think of a thing...
I've been somewhat distracted lately in the best of ways. *grin*
12:17 PM
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Rumors of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
This was written yesterday (Aug 14) about things leading up until then...
I'm sure most of you have figured out that I'm here and setting up. To be honest, however, other than getting Daniel registered in school (finally!), I don't feel I've accomplished much.
There has been a certain isolation that I admit, I've rather reveled in. I feel a bit like a small, furry creature, hiding in a snug little den. The phone was turned off the night before we left and I didn't/don't have the money to turn it back on at the moment. There is no internet unless I want to track it down--either at the library or by having Jerry take me to his office (which is where I am at the moment). I venture out only briefly and usually because I have to--get Daniel registered, get him stuff for school, buy food, do laundry, etc. Don't get me wrong...I'm not depressed or anxious. I just find myself taking comfort in my hibernation. Of course, the comfort I feel isn't exactly replicated in Allen.
Allen is depressed and unhappy. He asked me last night (Friday night), "Why the hell did we have to come to this place? I fucking hate it here!" Like I told him at the time, though, Allen knows why.
The reasons are many and varied, not the least of which is Jerry, who treats me like a precious gift that he's happily and unexpectedly received. I feel guilty as hell that his house is still in chaos from all of my stuff (most of which is still in the boxes we through it in--I told you that I haven't accomplished much); that my kids (chiefly Allen) can be a total pain in the ass; that I still have my occasional mood swings and random anxiety attacks (not because of him, of course, but still...). Most of all, I feel guilty that I arrived with far less money than I expected to have. Between $300 just for gas to get here and $600 for insurance and registration on Nikki's car, I was down to less than $200 by the time I got here. I wanted to pay half of the bills right off the bat. Instead, he had to loan me $150 to get Daniel school clothes and such. Thankfully, my last paycheck came in and I was able to contribute that (and pay him back). Like I said, though, I feel guilty. (Though, in all fairness, I'm sure I'd find something else to obsess..er...feel guilty about. Isn't neurosis fun??? *wink*) Jerry soothes and reassures and tells me not to worry about it, but how can I not? One, it's my nature. Two, I was so determined not to be "rescued" and I still have to rely on someone else for my financial survival. (At least I'm not entirely without resources, but I still want to pay my share.)
Back to Allen. He's pretty much locked himself in his room, only venturing forth when driven by hunger or extreme boredom. It's incredibly frustrating. He wants a job, but excuses himself from looking for one until the phone is back on. He wants his GED, but won't call the number I found for him because he'd have to use a pay phone and the phone card I bought for him. Again, he wants to wait until we have a phone. He demands I get him in to see someone about his rage and depression but when I told him that a)I don't have a job, health insurance, or Medicaid; and b)even if I did, since he's 18 and not in school, I couldn't put him on my insurance and Medicaid will make him fill out his own application, he got all pissed off. He refuses to "sit around, filling out paperwork for hours. Fuck that!" I told him that all the stuff he's complaining about could be resolved with some effort. (There's other stuff but his litany of complaints is too long to mention them all.) He won't even try though--he wants me to fix everything for him. Me or somebody. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to help him financially. If he wants what he wants, he needs to DO something about it. Even if I could help, I don't think it would be the best thing for him. Jerry said we should give him a time limit in which to do something--find a job; get his GED; go to college; something! Give him a time limit to get his act together and move out and on with the next stage of his life. (If he's in school and making a sincere effort, I'll amend that, but he's not going to just stay here, bitch and moan, and hold his hand out whenever he needs money. I'm tired of all his excuses and rationalizations for why he can't get out of his own way to do anything.)
Sent Ferg a letter explaining as best I could (via his parents since I don't want him to have my address). It won't do any good, though. I also included a couple of pamplets I got from the VA (alcoholism & dual diagnosis--the latter is a combination of some sort of mental problem like depression or whatever and addiction). I also printed up stuff on sex/porn addiction. He probably won't bother to read any of it, but at least I tried. Just like I'm sure he won't acknowledge it, but I tried in the letter to say I'm sorry for doing things this way. I really do feel bad about the way I pulled this off and I told him so. It doesn't change the fact that I want a divorce, though, and no further contact with him. Of course, I also gave him a paragraph and a half on why I'm doing this, for all the good it'll do. Someone crank up some "I've got to drink myself into a stupor because my bitch of a wife left me" country songs.
Back to "hiding in my den" thing. Jerry says that it's okay that I stop, take a breath, etc, but I have to get moving for my own sake and for ours, too, if we want be able to support 4 people. Therefore, I'm resolved to take care of some things before next weekend.
- Come out of my secure little hidey-hole.
- Get KY license and get the car registered.
- Finish unpacking--there are books and unassembled book shelves cluttering up the front room. Boxes of kitchen stuff have turned in one part deathtrap, one part maze in the kitchen.
- Seriously look into the job situation, even without a phone.
- Until I find one, go by social services first thing Monday morning.
Today's Update
- Allen told me last night that Jerry and I are great together and that he really likes how he treats me and Daniel.
- Great morning (really really REALLY great morning!) until we left the house to discover that someone had keyed my car. The day before, they spit tobacco all over it. Now I haven't been here long enough to piss anyone off that I know of and Jerry says he doesn't have any broken-hearted, disappointed women in his life. I have NO idea what's going on. Oh well, aside from that, still a great morning!
12:41 PM
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Saturday, August 07, 2004
Time to go!
We're pulling out pretty soon and I don't know how long I'm going to be offline, but it's going to for a while. It's not as early as I wanted to leave, but oh well. I always forget how long it takes to pack and move. (Really, if ever you could use a genie that could just blink her eyes and PRESTO! you're there, it's now!)
So, off into the new adventure....
EEK! and YAY! all at the same time, eh?
8:30 AM
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Friday, August 06, 2004
It hit!
It started yesterday afternoon after talking to his friend, Paul. It climbed over me and beat me in the head earlier today. The dreaded, "Oh my god! Oh my god! What am I doing?" monster....
I called Bander and he slayed it for now.
Stupid anxiety attacks!
(And no, I haven't changed my mind and I'm not going to and I know this is for the best, but as it was pointed out to me yesterday, if I wasn't the type of person who felt guilty and awful imagining how much someone is going to be hurt by something I'm doing, I wouldn't be me. Deep breaths! Deep, calming breaths!)
12:26 PM
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Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Just a Thought
While I was at Nikki's school, I saw a poster on the wall in the office. One that I've decided I really don't like and don't agree with.
"In real life
there are no
make-up exams.
Make your choices carefully."
Bullshit. Of course there are make-up exams. Of course there are do-overs. It's never too late to take a new path or to start over. At 17, I was so desperate to escape my house, I joined the Air Force to get away. I'd been accepted to both University of Kentucky and to Tulane University in New Orleans and I was waiting on a response from University of Miami when I enlisted. Instead of heading off to college, I chose to go with the military because I knew I would get a paycheck and a roof over my head and I wouldn't be subjected to my parents any longer. Met a guy. Had kids way too young and far too close together and we all lived in abject poverty for a number of years. I'm sure a lot of people would consider my future in low-paying service-industry jobs a lock. At 29, however, I decided to go to college. Graduated summa cum laude. Made myself qualified for the types of jobs that I wanted to have. If that isn't taking a new path, I don't know what is.
I got divorced after 10 years. Got remarried New path. New life. Okay, wrong choice--not the divorce, but the remarriage. But now I'm changing course again. New path. New life. Going back home and getting out of this spiraling mess of a marriage. A "do-over". A "make-up exam". Plainly, another chance to get it right.
Life is full of opportunities for both and it's really not fair to tell kids that if they don't make the perfectly right decision the first time, they're screwed. Sounds like a paralyzing, absolutist philosophy to me. And it also sounds like bullshit.
10:05 PM
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What I've Accomplished Today
>Take Moiya to the vet for rabies vaccination and prescription for sedatives.
>Stop at bank
*Stop at post office and give change-of-address card so mail will go to Ferg (including the bills)
>Go to high school and give them a copy of the Limited Power of Attorney and the utility bill of the people Nikki will be staying with so that the registrar can officially change her address and such.
>Drop Nikki off at work
>Pick up Daniel's shot records from the Health Department
>Goodbye lunch with LaJuan
>Try to find affordable insurance for Nikki
Well, I found insurance...
>Doctor appointment at the VA
While I was there, I changed my address so that my prescriptions will be sent to my new address; talked to the pill-shrink (and let him prescribe me some Zyban--yes, I'm going to try to quit smoking when I get to Lexington); talked to and said goodbye to my regular shrink; got the address to send a change of address in so that Ferg's disability check will go to him in Kansas.
*Take Nikki to get a checking account
I tried, but they won't let her have one because she's a minor and I can't sign for one for her because I'm leaving the state. So I need to figure out how to send her $200 each month and have her be able to access it because she's only allowed to withdraw money from her savings account twice a month.
>Register her car
*Try to find the titles for the dead cars/call junkyards
Again, I tried, but I can't find the damned things. They aren't in the lock box where they're supposed to be.
>Try to find more boxes
*Try to find storage facility that I can afford for Ferg's stuff.
So, basically, I got everything done except go to the post office (I just didn't have the time--Nikki's going to do it tomorrow) and find a storage facility for Ferg (I'll do it tomorrow). I still need more boxes, though, and I'm nowhere NEAR done packing.
Mr. Cheng called Ferg and told him I was moving to Kentucky. DAMMIT! Apparently, asking him repeatedly not to say anything translated into "Hey! Call Ferg and ask him for the money and, oh, by the way, do you mind telling him exactly where I'm going after I've made a point of telling everyone to keep it quiet?" I asked him about it and he said he thought Ferg already knew. *sigh* Of course, now I feel like shit because I lied straight out and told Ferg that Mr. Cheng misunderstood me and I never said that. I needed him to send that $400 and I didn't think he'd do it if I said, "Yes, I'm leaving your ass." He finally sent the money, by the way--after I reassured him. I just picked it up an hour ago! I desperately needed it to replenish what I've spent over the past two days to get Nikki her car, get it insured, and get it registered. (She's giving me her paycheck, such as it is, on Friday because I had to pay for her insurance downpayment and her registration.) So now, instead of feeling good and strong, I'm back to feeling weasel-y and guilty. Doesn't change anything, but I still feel bad about it.
9:16 PM
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My Day Off??
Take Moiya to the vet for rabies vaccination and prescription for sedatives.
*Stop at bank
*Stop at post office and give change-of-address card so mail will go to Ferg (including the bills)
*Go to high school and give them a copy of the Limited Power of Attorney and the utility bill of the people Nikki will be staying with so that the registrar can officially change her address and such.
Drop Nikki off at work
*Pick up Daniel's shot records from the Health Department
Goodbye lunch with LaJuan
*Try to find affordable insurance for Nikki
Doctor appointment at the VA
*Take Nikki to get a checking account
*Register her car
*Try to find the titles for the dead cars/call junkyards
*Try to find more boxes
*Try to find storage facility that I can afford for Ferg's stuff.
Yea, gods!
1:38 AM
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Monday, August 02, 2004
Things Checked Off The List So Far...
- Most of his stuff out of the bedroom--except the closet and the computer.
- Closet in living room cleaned out.
- Kids' bedrooms mostly done.
- Curio-cabinets cleaned out (need to wrap stuff and put them in boxes).
- Boxes acquired (more needed).
- UHaul and car tow thingie reserved.
- Car found for Nikki.
- Limited Power of Attorney for the couple Nikki will be staying with and wrapping-up conversation with the mom.
- Appointment made for cat for rabies shot update and sedatives so she doesn't have the feline meltdown that she had coming down here--she spent the last four hours under the car seat moaning. She's so big that if she did that this time, we'd have to take the truck apart to get her out.
- Appointment made to see doctor about renewing my prescriptions before I leave.
Things Left to Do
- Close savings account and open Nik a checking account.
- Help Nik find insurance and get her car registered.
- Continue to badger Ferg for the $400 he owes her--sent him an email today telling him I needed it to give to the landlord so I don't get evicted. Got a reply that he'd "try to get it to me as soon as possible" but that he didn't think he could do it "before midweek" [rolleyes].
- Finish packing.
- Call junkyard about the dead cars.
- Get Daniel's shot records to enroll him in school in Lexington.
- Call to have trash, utilities, cable, satellite turned off. Give them Ferg's address for final bills!
- Get storage facility for his stuff.
- Get person at temp agency to call me back so I can give them the address to send my last check.
- Change of address at post office for Ferg.
- Change of address at Child Support Enforcement.
- Change of address at VA.
- Give bank Ferg's address!
- Send Ferg the contract, key, and short letter telling him to not contact me and that I'll send the divorce papers to his dad's house.
I have ALOT to do in the next couple of days!
10:17 PM
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Sunday, August 01, 2004
Chop-Socky Fest
I swear, that's what IFC (International Film Channel) is calling it. I just saw a really old Chinese (?) film with a very young Jet-Li that ROCKED. It was called Fist of Legend. It's pretty much one long fight sequence interspersed with a few bits of dubbed dialogue and the barest hint of a plot. The bad guy even had the evil MUWHAHAHAHAHA laugh! *grin*
The fight scenes were nothing short of awesome! I don't know if they use wires to achieve some of the moves or not, but even if they did, I was still blown away. (Not that it looked like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but there was some gravity-defying kicks that caused the one kicked to go flying backwards far enough that they just about needed landing clearance when they hit the ground!)
Yep, it's completely cheesy, but it's one of the most highly entertaining movies I've seen in a while. I give it a big thumbs-up!
3:46 AM
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Guess Who Called?
Yep, you got it. He finally called. Claims to have $1000 check that he can't get cashed because the banks are closed and he needed some money because all he had was a check he couldn't cash, $.52 and no food.
I sent it to him.
He better make it last...and he better give Nik her $400.
In the meantime, I'm doing all the closets, all the cabinets, the bookshelves and my bedroom this weekend. I've got the kids doing their rooms and helping me with the closets. I'm hoping to find a self-storage on Monday. I'll pay for 3 months and put his stuff in it. That should be plenty of time to get his stuff if he wants it--especially since he has a free round-trip ticket to use to come back if he wants because they screwed up his flight out.
I'm hoping to get enough done that I don't feel guilty about maybe doing something with Amy tonight. I want to get together with her before I leave. I'm really going to miss her. (Figures I finally make a really good friend that I actually live near just before I move.)
12:41 PM
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Coming out of the closet
I've been dropping hints and probably a few of you have picked up on them, but I'm just so damned happy (despite all the shit over the recent two days) that I have to just come out and say it.
Over the years that Jerry (Bander) and I have been friends, we've each been married to different people and involved with different people and never single at the same time. Not since we were teenagers, that is, when I was terrifying the poor boy with my "barely-past-pubescence" self--he had plans at the time to be a priest; I had plans at the time to drive him insane by pressing my body up against his and nibbling him at any opportunity. Since these two goals were pretty much mutually exclusive, he put his foot down (after a mere 6 or 8 weeks of my rather aggressive pursuit--he was 17 after all!). Once I got over being pissed at not getting my own way, we've been close friends ever since.
Anyway, the subject has come up from time to time that if we were ever free at the same time, we'd give an "Us" a try. A "more than just friends Us".
I admit that I was somewhat reluctant. Once women classify a guy as a friend, there's almost no going back because we worry about destroying the friendship. I'm no different. But not only was I worried about destroying a nearly-lifelong friendship--especially since I feel like I suck at relationships, I'm poison to everything and everyone I touch, and I'm apparently much easier to love from a distance--I was also terrified that I'd hurt him. That I'd do something bad, fuck up, whatever and hurt one of the finest people I've ever known. I'd rather cut off my own arm. However I finally paid attention when he told me that he was a grown man who knew what he wanted and didn't need me to protect him from either me or himself. And I finally listened when he promised that even if it doesn't work out, he'll always be a part of my life and my friend unless I tell him I don't want him to be. In other words, I took a big, scary, terrifying chance.
This recent vacation was Step One of the big, scary, terrifying chance and, so far, it's been really really awesome!
"I feel like spinning around the room" awesome!
I laid down ground rules for my own peace of mind--that I have to take care of myself--I have to know I can take care of myself. I never want him or anyone else (including myself) to think/feel that he had to "rescue" me. I'm can't be completely dependent upon him and I'm not going to make him responsible for me or my feelings. I come into this from a position of strength; moving towards him, not running away from someone else. In other words, I pay my own way because if it's going to work, it's got to be because we share our lives because we choose to, right?
In the meantime, we both know we have adjusting to do, but what can I say about a guy that's so thoughtful, he takes it upon himself to spend the day rearranging his living room so that my cat can go in and out of the back door? That he even thought of that blew me away. (Hell, I can't even imagine Ferg even thinking of rearranging anything for me for any reason!) And there are...um...other things that were/are extremely awesome, too, but he's going to be embarrassed enough when he sees this. *GRIN!*
12:00 AM
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Hear! Hear!
I'm thinking that's not going to be a problem pretty soon, though...no more marriage, lots more sex!!! *dancing*
Oh, and I already know what my one splurge is going to be. My Chinese symbols, on my shoulder blade. I haven't decided which order yet, but definitely going to get them.
I'm thinking I'll probably go "Strength", "Passion", "Freedom"
As for the small of my back, I'm still undecided...
(Mind you, they won't be this big, whichever I decide)
Vertical Flowers
Spring Faerie
Autumn Faerie
10:56 PM
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His Response to my email
"I understand the position he is in, as well as ours. [snip] I don't know what else to do. I don't get paid until I get paid, and you know we are in a very precarious situation. I'm really at a loss for what to do. I went over my expenses last night and the list below is what I came up with just for bills. I can try and live on very little but the list has to be paid.
Road Runner - 24.95 (cable modem for the computer he doesn't have yet)
Digital Cable- 16.95
DVR- 4.95 (God only knows)
Digital Phone- 39.95
Cable - 35.00
Rent - 600 (For a one-bedroom apartment! Nothing to do with it being a luxury apartment, of course)
Furniture - 186.20
Trash - 7.00
Storm Water - 2.00
Electric - ???
Gas - ???
Water - ???"
He left off Everquest ($90/6 months); Nascar some-or-other that he gets online ($30/month); whatever he's paying for his various porn sites that he visits ($no idea/month)
Of course! Now I see why he had to clean out my account, spend $1300 over that (what he borrowed and what he put me into overdraft...oh, wait...I'm another $400 in the hole now, so make that $1700), and can't possibly help me with such inconsequential things like rent and utilities! It all makes sense to me now!
(I also noticed that he left off his alcohol intake...)
Just a glimpse of what he's done to me:
Took another look at our bank statement. Even now, looking at it makes me want to throw up. After he knew we were already overdrawn, he spent another $200! Ten of the charges were to bars or liquor stores and that's just what was put on the card and not paid for in cash. $355.45 in liquor and alcohol since July 13th. $570 in "insufficient funds" charges. That's $1000 right there. And he doesn't know what he could possibly do to help??? I think we have the answer to "HOW OBTUSE IS HE??"....
8:48 PM
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What's an eviction if the utilities still work?
They turned off my electricity and my water.
When I called, they said they had a computer glitch and accidentally undercharged me for the previous month, so they had to have $564 to turn it back on.
Hope they don't drop that check.
Oh, and since it's a joint account and it's overdrawn, they won't let me take my name off the account. I did cancel my bank card again, though, so he doesn't have any access to the damned thing. Not that there's still anything in there, of course, but it's the principle of the thing.
1:03 PM
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Let's Play "HOW OBTUSE IS HE???"
When I saw that he'd not only spent all of my money, he'd put me into bigtime overdraft, I cut and pasted the page from my account (I can access the information and keep track of my balance, etc, online) and sent it to him with an email that said that it made me literally sick to my stomach.
He replied that he knew how I felt because he hadn't had a cigarette in 2 days. (Mind you, not one single charge since 07/15 when almost $1750 was direct deposited was from me. He also borrowed $400 from Nik and $200 from his dad. So, in less than a week, he spent about $2700-2800 if you count in the $500 my account was overdrawn--and he knows how I feel???? I don't think he'd know how I felt if I wrote it in neon on his dick!)
So, I just copied the landlord's letter to me and told him that there's a good chance we'll be homeless tomorrow. Can't wait to see his reply to that. He'll probably tell me again how he can feel my pain because he can't buy a car.
Got a voicemail from Mr. Cheng (the landlord)--he doesn't seem very amiable to the idea of giving me any extra time and I don't have a bit of money to give him without wiping out my savings for no good purpose. $1000 for a week and a half? I wonder if I can find a moving van...
10:08 PM
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It's Official
I'm evicted. I've been out of town and someone threw the letter from the landlord under the end table. If I hadn't been looking for something else, I never would have found it. It says that we have 3 days to pay up or clear out (3 business days, barring weekends and holidays). Since I never got the letter, my 3 days are up tomorrow. (Is that even legal--especially if we have a lease?)
I haven't a dime to give him and he wants a $1000 to consider letting us stay. I called to ask him for 2 weeks leeway, since I planned on moving then, anyway. I left a message, but there hasn't been a response. I did tell him that Ferg cleaned me out and, in fact, threw me so deeply into overdraft that I didn't get a bit of my paycheck that got Direct Deposited last week. I wouldn't get a paycheck this week, either, if it wasn't for 3 frantic phone calls to my temp agency to try to get them to stop the DD and mail me the check, but I won't get it until Friday at the soonest.
Meanwhile, even if I say "Okay, I can't win" and try to move out tomorrow (not possible, but let's pretend), there isn't a moving van or truck to be had until after this weekend because all the college students are moving back into the dorms. (Also, I don't have a bank card in my name because Ferg has my damned card and I don't have any money in the bank and I'm not willing to lose a significant part of my "escape fund" by putting it in there--especially if there's no point because I don't have a card in my name.) Aside from that, the family that Nikki is supposed to stay with during this school year is on vacation this week, so there's no where for her to go.
So I called him and left a really long message on his answering machine--4 messages worth--that basically said, "Ferg cleaned my account out and threw me into overdraft; I haven't a dime to offer you, let alone $1000. I understand completely why you're upset and you've been very patient with all of the various problems, but I simply don't have the money. I never received your phone calls and I only found the letter tonight because I was looking for something else, so this is the first I knew that you'd expect me out by tomorrow. I hope you're willing to give me 2 weeks, since there isn't a moving van to be found in the area. As for the money, I'm willing to try to pay you something--lord knows you deserve it, but I can't pay anything right now."
Um, at some point, I also added that I thought we had a lease which meant that he couldn't just summarily dismiss me in 3 days, especially since I didn't receive the letter until the night before. I added that the refrigerator hasn't worked in a month or so and I've lost a lot of money when the food went bad and he hasn't fixed it.
I wonder if I should stay home tomorrow, in case he tries to toss my stuff onto the lawn...
I wonder if I should call a lawyer...
I wonder if I actually could move out by tomorrow...
Jesus, my stomach is killing me.
9:14 PM
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Monday, July 26, 2004
I'm home
I'm tired. I don't want to be here--I really didn't want to leave Lexington at all!
I've got a million things to do in the next two weeks. I'm giving notice at work tomorrow and start making calls for a moving van, a storage facility. A divorce. I need to pick up some moving boxes and see if I can't start the packing process as soon as possible, too.
It was a great ten days, but I don't think it's fair of Time to speed up to the speed of sound during my vacation and when it crawls at work. Stupid Time.
5:45 PM
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
It's Wednesday Already???
The time is flying by--far far too quickly. For the most part, I'm relaxed, rested, and happy. The only exceptions to those are when I have to talk to him on the phone. *SIGH!*
You guys were right. I was trying to make him getting set up in Kansas as easy as possible, and he's cleaned me out and thrown me into overdraft twice in two weeks. I can't pay any bills...well, I have some money that he has no access to that isn't part of my escape fund, thankfully, but I can't pay the rent. At least I can keep the utilities on until I leave. In the meantime, he's called to ask for more money several times--and he borrowed $400 from Nikki and spent it in a fucking day, for god's sake!!!!! He swears when he gets his check (should be today or tomorrow), he'll send it back to her. He better. If he doesn't, I will find a way to make him pay.
As for the kids, I spoke with all three today, so I'm fairly certain they're all alive and reasonably healthy or else one of them was clever enough to make a tape of whichever one is missing to play for me over the phone. (I'm almost certain that even if they are that clever, they don't have the resources....*slightly worried*.)
Given those real life intrusions, I'm not doing too badly. The only times I've had a headache or been sick to my stomach have been after speaking with him and/or thinking about how I'm going to cover what he's spent. Still, considering it's usually a daily thing for me, sick only a couple of times over the past 5 days is quite nice. Jerry has been wonderful to me, making sure I de-stress and relax in every way possible (He even got up out of bed to get rid of the menacing spider that was laying in wait to attack me--I saw it dash over to the laundry room and lurk near the hallway for me!!--without getting annoyed at me for yelping at the sight of the giant mutant creepy thing and waking him up). His kids (I've met 2 of the 3) are great--funny, sharp, fun. All in all, a wonderful vacation in spite of any Ferg-related intrusions.
Mmmmmmmmm....getting my back rubbed, so I'm off....
5:30 PM
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