A place for me to work stuff out and to post things that interest me.

Most of us can, if we choose,
make this world either a palace or a prison. ~Lord Avebury
I choose a palace.
Do not let your fire go out,
spark by irreplaceable spark,
in the hopeless swamps of the approximate,
the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.
Do not let the hero in your soul perish,
in lonely frustration for the life you deserved,
but have never been able to reach.
Check your road and the nature of your battle.
The world you desired can be won.
It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.
~Ayn Rand
The democratic society's mythology of equality with its
attendant erasure of difference is an impossibility
in an actual, lived sense.
Therefore, according to this view, this
imaginary erasure cannot achieve an
actual democracy, because a sense of
community can only come with the recognition of difference.
~Slavoj Zizek, as paraphrased by Catherine M. Soussloff

A brand new link! Check it out!
I thought the place was very cool. Oh, and all you Alias fans, you can find a very nice wallpaper there--
or rather, here--and a gorgeous Evanescence one, too!
Watcher's Diary
Slayage; The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies
Convert just about anything
Comes in really handy when you want to convert fahrenheit to celcius and vice versa!
Links to 100s of free calculators online
Everything from your due date to how much a house payment would be to a regular calculator
Reference Guide to Chicago Manual of Style
Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Atlas & Almanac
Quotation Search Engine
Complete HTML True Color Chart
Epicurious Recipes
Inn Recipes; Recipes for all Occasions
JobStar-Resumes & Cover Letters Advice
Overstock.com: Up to 80% off most items
Things My Girlfriend & I Have Argued About
(Trust me--you'll be laughing outloud!)

Beyond the Invisible
The tale of the world is like a tree.
Sturdily rooted in the past, the tale's branches spread out through the days that come. The many stories that make up its substance
unfold from bud to leaf to dry memory and back again, event connecting event like the threadwork of a spider's web, so that each creature of the world plays its part, understanding only aspects of the overall narrative, and perceiving, each with its particular talents, only glimpses
of the Great Mystery that underlies it all.
~Charles de Lint, Moonheart
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
EDIT: And in the bizarre world of blogger and computers, in general, my huge opus that I typed and lost before has reappeared!
Yet Another Update (with some repeated parts because I didn't know that the missing post was suddenly going to reappear from wherever it was when it disappeared and I don't feel like editing my entire new update)
We're here. There are still boxes everywhere, though I'm gradually working on that. I don't have a job yet, the phone is still off, and I don't have internet access at the house. Other than the "not having a job yet" part, which is bad because I never wanted him to have to support me and mine financially, I haven't really minded the isolation. I think I've been hiding in my "den", though, and it's time to come out. Hopefully, the phone will be back on by the end of the week and I can start seriously job hunting.
As Jerry mentioned in the replies to my last post, I had this very long update that I spent an extremely long time on and it vanished into the cosmos. *GROWL!!!* It mostly discussed that I feel extremely guilty that I haven't had the money I'd hoped to have and he's had to put out for expenditures that he shouldn't have to put out for, especially when money is so closely budgeted for him anyway. I also discussed certain issues with Allen, including his complete unwillingness to get out of his own way and do SOMETHING--get that GED business taken care of; get a job; go to Lexington Community College; anything. He seems to be under the impression that he can hang out, eat everything in sight, complain constantly about being bored and hating it here, and holding his hand out for cigarettes and money. He's about to get a rude awakening. I think I'm going to have to give him a time limit and say, "This is it--this is how much time you have to get your act together." Jerry agrees that might be the only way to motivate him.
In the meantime, adjustments are being made on both sides (which of course, makes me feel guilty because I'm just neurotic that way--the fact that he has to deal with Allen or give me money or that the house is still a wreck or that I'm having an anxiety attack...he says it's okay, but...*sigh*...I don't know...). On the plus side, his youngest and mine get along really great together--I had a feeling that they probably would. And his friends have been very welcoming. I'm still a little shy about putting my stuff out or on the walls, but that's just my insecurity.
Ferg hasn't contacted me directly, but he's sent me 3 emails that I've deleted without reading. Harsh, but I don't want to deal with him. I sent him a letter detailing what happened, why, where he can find his stuff, etc. I also told him that I didn't want to "think about it, mull things over, or try again after some time". Instead, I'd appreciate it if he made no further contact with me (and there really isn't any reason). I sent the letter via his parents--right before Hurricane Charley, so I don't know if they've even received it. I hope so. The were in the path of the storm, but far enough from the coast that hopefully they just got a bad thunderstorm.
Anyway, off to unpack more things, hopefully. I think I have to drop stuff off Goodwill. I want to have all of my clothes put away and maybe even find room for the kitchen stuff.
OH! Stuff I'd almost forgotten!
- My car was vandalized three nights in a row by some unknown person. The first night, they spit tobacco all over it. The next two nights, they keyed it. So far it's been left alone for the past two nights, but I don't know what the hell was going on. I haven't been here long enough to piss anyone off and he doesn't have any broken-hearted, disappointed women in the shadows.
- Allen declared that Jerry and I "look good together" and that he likes how he treats me and Daniel. Considering the boy has been pretty much mad at the world since he's been here, I was taken aback. Then he told me that if I "fuck this up, he's going to be very pissed at me because Jerry seems like a really great guy". I guess I've been warned.
- I may have to pull a "warrior MOM" moment. I signed Daniel up for "free lunch" for now and asked on Friday, before school started, if they'd please inform the cafeteria so that he could eat. She swore that she would. They've denied him lunch for the past two days. If he comes home without eating today, I'm going up there and drop-kicking some people.
- I'm sure there's more stuff, but I can't think of a thing...
I've been somewhat distracted lately in the best of ways. *grin*
12:17 PM