A place for me to work stuff out and to post things that interest me.

Most of us can, if we choose,
make this world either a palace or a prison.
~Lord Avebury

I choose a palace.

Do not let your fire go out,
spark by irreplaceable spark,
in the hopeless swamps of the approximate,
the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.
Do not let the hero in your soul perish,
in lonely frustration for the life you deserved,
but have never been able to reach.
Check your road and the nature of your battle.
The world you desired can be won.
It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.
~Ayn Rand

The democratic society's mythology of equality with its attendant erasure of difference is an impossibility in an actual, lived sense. Therefore, according to this view, this imaginary erasure cannot achieve an actual democracy, because a sense of community can only come with the recognition of difference.
~Slavoj Zizek, as paraphrased by Catherine M. Soussloff


A brand new link! Check it out! deviantART

I thought the place was very cool. Oh, and all you Alias fans, you can find a very nice wallpaper there-- or rather, here--and a gorgeous Evanescence one, too!

Watcher's Diary

Slayage; The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies

Convert just about anything Comes in really handy when you want to convert fahrenheit to celcius and vice versa!

Links to 100s of free calculators online Everything from your due date to how much a house payment would be to a regular calculator

Reference Guide to Chicago Manual of Style

Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Atlas & Almanac

Quotation Search Engine

Complete HTML True Color Chart

Epicurious Recipes

Inn Recipes; Recipes for all Occasions

JobStar-Resumes & Cover Letters Advice

Overstock.com: Up to 80% off most items


Things My Girlfriend & I Have Argued About (Trust me--you'll be laughing outloud!)


<< current



I'm 30-something and have 3 kids: Allen (18); Nikki (17); and Daniel (14)


I live in Lexington, Kentucky

I'm owned by a cat, Moiya, who has me very well-trained.

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The P@rix

Racharoni's Blurty

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Scratching at the 8-ball (Bettie/Annika)

Sharon's journal (Steorra/Sharon)

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Beyond the Invisible

The tale of the world is like a tree.
Sturdily rooted in the past, the tale's branches spread out through the days that come. The many stories that make up its substance unfold from bud to leaf to dry memory and back again, event connecting event like the threadwork of a spider's web, so that each creature of the world plays its part, understanding only aspects of the overall narrative, and perceiving, each with its particular talents, only glimpses of the Great Mystery that underlies it all.
~Charles de Lint, Moonheart

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Good, The Bad, The Somewhat Irritating

I got the job! I got the job! I don't have to work at Nex-hell anymore!! joyous dancing and mad shrieking ensues

Okay, after two days, I still barely have an idea of what I'm going to be doing. It's medical insurance billing research and we act as a middleman between the provider, the host insurance, and the home insurance. If that made sense to you, you know as much as the rest of us that began yesterday. To be honest, I'm only really going to get a grip on what we're doing after I actually start doing it. That said, I work in a pretty building for really nice bosses. I make more money. I work Monday - Friday, 8:00-4:30. They have a realistic policy about having to take time off and even if they have mandatory overtime, they never work more than 10 hrs, which was my standard shift at the other place. There are NO phones!

I haven't had a major IBS attack since I started. Okay, it's only been 2 days, but I'm used to being in pain every night!


I tried to quit smoking and I was doing really well. Then I caved. I've smoked three cigarettes today. sigh I can't believe I'm so weak-willed! I truly didn't think it would be that hard to quit and it really wasn't particularly hard the first 3 days! I don't know what the hell happened!


Nikki called last night. Her boyfriend's dad has been really sick and in the hospital since before Christmas. Yesterday, Phillip got the call to come back up to Tallahassee because his dad didn't have very long left. Nik said that Phillip called her from the road (he's in college about 2 hrs south of her) and he sounded completely distraught. He was crying pretty hard and said that he was sick to his stomach and had already thrown up. She told him that if he needed to stop, she'd be there for him. He did stop. They went to lunch and pushed some food around and then talked in her dorm room for about 30 minutes and then he left for Tallahassee. She said that he called her a couple of hours later from the hospital. It turns out that he missed seeing his dad by 20 minutes. She was understandably upset. She hurts for her boyfriend, who is shattered, and she feels like it's her fault that he missed seeing his dad before he died. I tried to make her understand that it's not her fault. Phillip made the choice to stop. He made it because he was sick with grief and needed some comfort and who's to say that if he hadn't stopped that he wouldn't have been so upset while driving that he had an accident himself? It's not like she dragged him off the road and forced him to spend time with her instead of his dying father. But I know that's easy to say and even believe, intellectually, but it's not easy to feel. Meanwhile, I feel so helpless because she's sad and she says that she feels all alone and completely disconnected from her own family. She says that she never sees her parents and feels that she barely knows her brothers and that she envies her friends who are obviously very close to their families. What am I supposed to say to that? I can't afford to go there or bring her here and I don't know when I'll be able to actually see her in person. I don't want her to feel alone but what do I say or do, other than I love you and I'm sorry? I told her tonight that we should sit down and plan some time together and if she doesn't want to come here, maybe we can plan a weekend trip together somewhere. If we plan far enough in advance, we can save for it and it'll be cheaper. I know that isn't much, though, and she didn't seem particularly enthusiastic.


I took away Daniel's internet last night and I don't know when I'm giving it back. The one rule I made when I set him up was "No internet after midnight on a school night". I don't feel that is especially strict, but he keeps breaking that rule, so I told him that if I caught him once more, I was taking his internet away indefinitely. I went to bed at 11:30pm last night and I said, "Off the computer by 12! I love you! Goodnight!" He said, "Okay, love you too." I got up at 1:30am to go to the bathroom and, sure enough, he was on it again!


There is a certain person on WD right now that is a complete moron! Sadly, he thinks that he's very intellectual when pretty much everything he writes displays his complete inability to form a coherent, cohesive sentence, let alone participate in an intelligent debate. He rants. He raves. He is the written equivalent of an epileptic fit. The thing is that it's so sadly pathetic watching him flail about, it's nearly impossible to be angry at him. It's pretty easy to find him almost as irritating as one of those yappy micro-dog, though.

11:58 PM
YAY for new job!

Sorry to hear about Nikki's troubles.

And said new user's name wouldn't begin with p and end with r, would it? Don't even bother to reply to him as it'll only make him happy. Ahhh, it's been so long since we had a debate troll...!
Congrats on the new job!

As far as the smoking thing goes, don't beat yourself up about it. I've quit for about the 4th time now, and even though it's gone pretty well, I still slip. It isn't just the physical addiction, it's the habit of it, and the way smokers use it for all kinds of things from avoidance to stress-relief. Plus, the average smoker will quit something like 7 times before it takes for good. Just hang in there!
Seeing pong apologise and stuff... I *think* he's OK- but very, very deep down. He just has this stupid tendency to get het up, irate and then post right away without previewing his reply to see if it's incendiary.

We've all learnt to think on our replies and to rein in comments we think we might regret when we've cooled down. Or to count to 10, make a drink and come back and post. I'm guessing he's under 21 and hasn't learnt those skills yet. It's not much comfort that we're better in that respect, but at least we have some respect for those we debate with, and show it.

We also know the people we're debating with, and so can interpret their comments when they might appear ambiguous to others. Starshine and vamphile exchange what might look like insults, but that's their friendship, it's all in jest. How does that look to a newbie though? One minute we're saying "Play nice", the next they see someone call someone else "bitch".

All said and done, he's not the first young guy who's barged into the WD and started butting heads, trying to find his footing and get established. Probably won't be the last either. But others have learnt to temper their replies and amend their ways. Hopefully, he can.

You made clear arguments. Maybe others don't agree with them, but they can at least respect them, and pong needs to learn to respect. He has to earn other people's respect though, and if he continues to behave like he has so far, he won't get it.

So big hugs for you, and a big, thick hot chocolate with marshmallows. Congratulations again on the new job, and the accompanying perks. Don't sweat the not knowing stuff, in a few weeks you'll be all "Yeah this is easy! How did I ever not know this?". Take it from a temp who knows! [wink]

And I hope you and Nikki manage to meet up. I know why she's beating herself up, but she assessed the situation at the time and offered help. If Phillip thought he needed it, so be it. If you play "what if" and say if he hadn't stopped he would have seen his Dad... you can't know that he still would have died at the same time. I hope she doesn't beat herself up too hard for only doing what any caring girlfriend would (and should) have done.

Hugs xx
YAY for new job!
Definitely YAY! *grin*

Don't even bother to reply to him as it'll only make him happy.
Yeah, I know. I couldn't resist the last dig, but I wasn't planning on giving him anymore feedback. I know better than to feed trolls because then you can never get rid of him--worse than fleas! *smile*
Plus, the average smoker will quit something like 7 times before it takes for good. Just hang in there!
Yeah, I know I need to try again. What makes it even harder is that most of the people I work with smoke, too. It's not that they drag me out to the smoking area, but you know, it's break time, all the people you like to talk to are heading outside, yadda yadda yadda. I know I can do this, though!
Seeing pong apologise and stuff... I *think* he's OK- but very, very deep down.

You give him more credit than I do, I'm afraid. Yeah, he apologized, but I took it much more as "uh oh, I'm in trouble" and it didn't sound like anything other a snotty "I'm sorry, geeze!" to me. I don't particularly care since when I added "Fin" to my last post to him, I meant it as "I'm never going to reply to anything this idiot says ever again because I don't like stupid people." I mean, seriously--he thought what I wrote was me playing the victim? Good god, how can he not recognize sarcasm when it smacks him in the face?

I'm guessing he's under 21 and hasn't learnt those skills yet.

He's either 14 or has the emotional maturity of a flea. If it's the former, I might revise my opinion of him later.

One minute we're saying "Play nice", the next they see someone call someone else "bitch".

True enough, but it's not so much him not playing nice that annoys me. It's his inability to do more than attempt to sound knowledgeable by slinging around statistics that he obviously has no understanding of how to read/use. I found it rather amusing, also, that's he's so wrapped up in feeling "victimized" (the word that he likes to sling at me [rolleyes]) by all of us that he can't even keep straight who is on which side of the question.

But others have learnt to temper their replies and amend their ways. Hopefully, he can.

We'll see. Like I said, I don't like being around stupid people. So far, from everything I've seen so far, he's really stupid. If he can manage to not get banned, maybe he'll surprise me and change my opinion. If so, I'll gladly interact with him. As of right now, though, it's really not worth my time to try muddle through his damn near incomprehensible posts. As for responding to them or him, good god, no! That's why my last couple of posts to him have had the "teaching a pig to sing" quote in the sig (and note, that's the only place it's appeared).

Despite appearances, believe it or not, I don't HATE him and I'm not feeling wounded by his posts to me. I just find him such a waste of time, I've completely written him off. I realize that might look like "oh, he hurt my feelings", but it's really not.

You made clear arguments. Maybe others don't agree with them, but they can at least respect them,

Thank you! I know it's not a popular opinion on the board and I appreciate that. I really appreciated that no one jumped down my throat for how I feel. You're right--we're all mature enough to state how we feel and agree to disagree and having someplace online where that's the case is so great.

So big hugs for you, and a big, thick hot chocolate with marshmallows. Congratulations again on the new job, and the accompanying perks. Don't sweat the not knowing stuff, in a few weeks you'll be all "Yeah this is easy! How did I ever not know this?". Take it from a temp who knows! [wink]

Thank you, hon! I really appreciate it!

And I hope you and Nikki manage to meet up.

Yeah, me too. I've been mulling over different ideas of what we can do. I think she'd like to go to NYC but I don't know that I can afford it. Maybe one of those cruises where the meals are already included. Or maybe a long weekend to Mexico, which even with airfare might be much cheaper than 4-5 days in NYC.
Oh, congratulations on the job! Good work, I'm so happy for you and you really deserve it. Hope this takes a big burden off your shoulders.

I'm sorry about Nikki's boyfriend's dad, that's a very tough thing to go through. I think they'll be glad to have each other though, sometimes stuff like that makes you stronger together.

(and forgive me, sorry as I am for your daughter and Phillip, but when I read that you'd had some bad news I came here right away and I'm glad that it wasn't something bad that happened directly to you for a change! So I'm relieved that you've also had some good news).

As for pongy boy (what a name, I start checking for smelly socks everytime I read it) - he's just infantile and reads like a 17 year old boy trying to play in the big kid's pond. A pretty backwater one too.

MAybe he'll grow up and learn, maybe he'll just become ever more confirmed in his own narrow ways.

I think he's enjoying the attention, hope he's dumb enough to go too far and simply get banned, people like him bore me very quickly because they don't have anything to add.

SinisterBrit, for eg, is not someone I agree with a lot, but I do read him and would never lose my temper at him, because he is articulate and does reason.

So let's hope for a quick fade out of the smelly one.

Thanks for the post. I had been looking for something related and found your web site in the process.. I will definitely be back for more.

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